CAUSE Lesson Plan Contest | Stats + Stories Episode 297 / by Stats Stories

Dr. Dennis Pearl is a Professor of Statistics at Pennsylvania State University and Director of the Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education (CAUSE). Dr. Pearl's education work centers on building a national infrastructure to support instructors of statistics, developing resources for instructors in both statistics and probability education, and developing and testing new pedagogical methods.

Megan Mocko is a lecturer who teaches Business Statistics for undergraduate and graduate students. Previously, she taught statistics in the UF Department of Statistics since 2001 and achieved Master Lecturer in 2013. In addition to her teaching, Megan has served as programming chair for the eCOTS (electronic Conference on Teaching of Statistics) 2020 and 2022. Megan’s involvement in the field of statistics education lead to her work as co-chair on the recently updated 2016 GAISE Guidelines report (Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education). Megan has taught introductory statistics in multiple formats: face-to-face, hybrid, and completely online. She has used different techniques to improve learning for students in face to face classes, with learning disabilities and in the online learning environment. She is interested in engaging all students through technology.

Contest Description

This contest is a call for lesson plans that make use of the Stats + Stories podcasts. The lesson plan should include the appropriate materials needed by both students and teachers.

As examples, a good lesson plan might include: instructions for the students to carry out the activity, instructor tips, learning objectives, time to complete the activity, resources needed to complete the activity, recommended course, recommendation for in-class or out-of-class use for the activity, and skills required.

The lesson plan should be accompanied by a grading rubric for any assessment.

Lesson plans should be submitted by January 1, 2024.

Along with cash prizes totaling $1000, the top winners will present their activity in a panel during eCOTS 2024 from May 28th to May 31st and have them posted on and

The lesson plans will be judged by a panel of educators. For more information check out

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